Three Distinct Works
سه اثر مجزا / کاوشی در اجرا در غیاب اجراگر میرمحمدرضا حیدری در انتظارگودو / ساموئل بکت کرگردن / اوژن یونسکو آدم آدم است / برتولت برشت جمعه سوم اسفند 1403 ساعت 17 سه اثر مجزا اگر اجراگر از اجرا حذف شود، چه چیزی باقی میماند؟ آیا اجرا بدون اجراگر
Conceptual Art
اولین فستیوال هنر مفهومی شارگالری دومین فستیوال هنرمفهومی شارگالری هنر مفهومی چیست؟ John Baldessari / Exhibition at Molly Barnes Gallery (1971) Walter De Maria / The Vertical Earth Kilometer (1977) Joseph Kosuth / One and Three Chairs (1965) مرتضی ممیز، نتهای جنگی (1354) León Ferrari, 1965 1969 John Baldessari / Exhibition
Azarakhsh Samiei
Biography Born on October 20, 1376 in Tehran Self-taught painting from childhood graphic arts college of the university, in the associate degree in graphic arts at the Islamic Revolution University, and at the same time as practicing in painting and sculpture, experience in theater and music undergraduate in “Azad” University of Applied
Pooneh Sahafi
Biography Pooneh Sahafi (1996-Tehran) (Lives and works in Semnan) Bachelor of painting from Semnan university of arts Exhibitions: Group exhibition, Idea gallery, Tehran, 2017.Versus group exhibition, Iranian art house, Tehran, 2019.Sako magazine exhibition group, Sako Art gallery, Tehran, 2019.Group exhibition, Aria gallery, 2020.Group exhibition, Young talents of Semnan, Dange gallery, 2021.Self-portrait
Hamidreza Jahani
Biography Born in Rasht-Iran, Hamid Reza Jahani (1965) developed love for colors and painting at a very early age. First it was his father, a local fisherman, who gave him an art book by Da Vinci. After that, his decisive encounter with a local artist, Hasan Roshan, encouraged him to
Babak Amjad
Biography Babak Amjad (1972, Tabriz-Iran)Painter, Digital Artist, Video Artist1992, Diploma in painting, Mirak Fine Arts School, Tabriz1998, BA in painting, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University of Tehran Individual Exhibitions:Photo Installation: Iranian Artists Forum, Tehran, 2007Photo Installation: Art Home, Tabriz, 2007Drawing: Behzad Art Gallery, Tabriz, 1998Painting: Embassy of
Exhibition: Azarakhsh Samiei, Amphibious blue
Azarakhsh Samiei, born in 1997 in Tehran, is a painter and sculptor. "Amphibious Blue" exhibition is the second solo of this artist and consists of 9 works of art with mixed media technique, which will be held from August 18th to September 24th at Shaargallery.